The Significance of Comparative Law to Private International Law; Congress has since codified this holding. 比较法对国际私法的意义&以国际私法的适用、研究和法典编纂为视角从那时以来,国会编纂整理了最高法院的这一裁定。
This article firstly expounds the concept and significance of law awareness, then makes a detailed analysis on the complex current situation of socialism law awareness in our country and the reasons for the current situation. 本文阐述了法律意识的概念和意义,对我国社会主义法律意识错综复杂的现状进行详细分析,还对造成这些状况的原因进行了分析。
The significance of law and rules about infectious diseases in ante post education of Intern 传染性疾病法律法规在实习生岗前教育中的作用
The author declares that the re-emphasis on the significance of law administration and rapid declination of scientism are the presupposition resulting in departmentalization of criminal objectivism and knowledge blending. 作者指出:法治意义的重新被强调、科学主义的迅速衰落是导致刑法客观主义的本位化以及知识融合的提前。
The social harmfulness in the concept of crime in China refers to the social harmfulness in the significance of criminal law, and has no conflict with the violation of criminal law. 我国犯罪概念中的社会危害性是指刑法意义上的社会危害性,不会与刑事违法性发生冲突。
Approaching this question with open minds, late Qing intellectuals affirmed the practical significance of international law. Employing the Chinese cultural tradition's concept of cosmic order, they expounded the idea of natural law which permeates Western international law, and extolled international law's rational spirit. 晚清知识分子以开放的心态肯定了国际法的现实意义,以传统文化中的天道思想阐释西方国际法所浸透的自然法观念,强调和尊崇国际法的理性精神;
The modern significance of this law of the Tang Dynasty lies in the following aspects: First strict legislation must be established without any loopholes for embezzling actions; 唐律赃罪具有明显的现代价值,表现在:立法严密,使一切贪赃腐败分子无法律漏洞可钻;
On the Origins and Significance of Law-with Greece as an Example 论法的缘起及其意义&以希腊为例
It is urgent to resolve the problem and there is significance of law, politic and economy, which would improve the social equity and efficiency. 解决弱势人群医疗保障问题迫在眉捷,并有着重要的法律、政治、经济意义,符合改善社会公平、提高效率原则。
On practical significance of law of unequal development of Sciences 论科学发展不平衡性规律的现实意义
On the Procedural Justice's Significance of Law and Economics 试析程序公正的法经济学意义&以民事诉讼程序为分析对象
Discussed the related punishments and rules, the tendency and the significance of the law governing. 论文讨论了相关的处罚规定与条例、足球观众暴力的防治趋势和足球观众暴力法治的意义;
This paper, taking Greece as an example, studies the origins and significance of law from a philosophical point of view. 本文以希腊为例,对法的起源及其意义,从法哲学的视野,作了研究。
The law's values reveals the significance of law's existence purpose, namely what the law exists for, and decide the object of the law adjustment and law characteristics. 法律的价值范畴旨在揭示法律的存在意义与目的意义,即法律因何而存在,并决定了法的调整对象、特征。
The significance of law is not only in its enactment but also in its implement. 法律的意义不仅在于颁布更在于实施。
On Perfecting Corporation Law of PRC& Also Experience Significance of Corporation Law in Taiwan of China 论祖国大陆公司法的完善&兼论祖国台湾公司法的借鉴意义
The value objective of legal modernization is the basic principles manifested in the value significance of law or the value orientation of law, and that is substantive legitimacy of legal modernization. 法治现代化的价值目标是表征于法律价值意义上的基本准则或法律的价值取向,亦即法治现代化的实质合理性。
Shakespeare highlights the significance of human law, but does not despise the rational elements of the divine law. 莎士比亚强调人法的重要性,但又不完全否定神法的合理性。
These features determine the morality significance of the law. 这些特性决定了护法的道德意义。
Firstly it intnxluces concept and significance of criminal law dogma, and then points out the reason that the absence of real dogma's law basis can not lead to the system. 刑法信条学有其特定的意义和功能。由于真正信条的实定法依据的尴尬,仅靠真正信条尚无法构筑犯罪论体系;
We can consider the universal significance of socialism Law governing idea from its truthness, universal applicability and the trait of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 社会主义法制理念的普遍意义,可以从其真理性、普适性以及具有的中国特色社会主义的特质上考虑。
Ignoring the value and justice significance of procedure law its elf; 2忽视程序法的独立价值和程序本身的正义性;
Then it analyses the great significance of soft law in professional sports. 分析职业体育中软法问题研究的重大意义。
This part includes: A. An detailed elucidation of the theoretical and practical significance of law and economics. 这一部分包括:一,详细阐述了法律经济学的理论和现实意义。
The fifth part explores the significance of the law of betrothal gifts and its followed principles and puts forward the suggestion on the perfection of the law on betrothal gifts. 第五部分:说明了彩礼立法的意义和所应遵循的原则,以及对完善彩礼立法提出的建议。
A legal system should be built upon the basis of a comprehensive environment including human studies, social sciences and natural sciences development, so we can not ignore the value and significance of the law theory. 构建一个法律体系,必须是在人文科学、社会科学、自然科学发展的大背景下去审视整个体系的发展,那么就不能够轻视法理学研究的价值和意义。
This part mainly discusses the value limits of commercial law, the significance of commercial law value research, value of commercial law and basic principle of commercial law, and economic ethics difference. 主要探讨商法价值的界定、商法价值研究的意义、商法价值与商法基本原则、经济伦理的区别。
This section defined the significance of criminal law on the use of special groups criminal liability concept. 此部分主要明确了刑法学意义上使用的特殊群体刑事责任概念。
Law is a science. Understanding law in the scientific way, on this basis, to search the significance of law is what the lawyers looking for. 法律是一门科学,用科学的方法来理解法律,并以此为基础,寻求法律存在的价值意义,一直是法学家和法律家们的努力。
By contrast, mining the Paul Koo System is implication of restorative justice concepts and modern significance of criminal law such as humanitarian values concept. 通过对比,挖掘保辜制度所蕴涵的恢复性司法理念、人道主义价值等具有现代意义的刑法理念。